6 Tips for resolving conflicts in team building
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Identify the source

1.1 Prevention is always better than cure; conflicts are often symptoms of systemic diseases. A culture based on respect, care, gratitude and goodwill builds immunity that prevents many diseases.

1.2 Please remember: to see the causes of conflicts, you need to look at the system from the outside (not from the inside). Often, such causes are located in systemic “hot spots” of intersection of interests of team members.

2. Listen actively

2.1 Calm down, don't give in to provocations. Be professional, calm, respectful, considerate and friendly. Listen carefully to your colleagues, ask clarifying questions, find out their goals and pain points.

2.2 Don’t take your colleagues’ words as a personal insult, don’t get angry, don’t be offended by them. Remember that often both sides of the conflict become victims of systemic problems, so treat your colleagues with understanding.

3. Express yourself

3.1 Be clear about your position; emphasize your focus on the company's key goals and describe how the current situation interferes with achieving them. Speak not out of personal ambition, but out of concern for the interests of the whole team.

3.2 Remember that it is often not what you say, but how you say it that matters. Watch your tone, gestures, etc.

4. Seek common ground

4.1 Look for common ground, opportunities for collaboration, and solutions that will bring maximum benefit to the company and both parties.

4.2 A good approach is to first think about the company's interests, then the other party's interests, and then your own interests. Emphasize that it is important for you not only to resolve this conflict locally, but also to prevent similar conflicts at the system level.

5. Implement solutions

5.1 It is important not only to find the best option for resolving the conflict, but also to implement it correctly. Before implementing a solution, make sure you and the other party are on the same page.

5.2 Keep your promises and honor your agreements. Monitor changes as a result of implementing the solution and thank the other party for complying with the agreements.

6. Learn from experience

6.1 Based on your experience, take concrete steps to strengthen team immunity; a good approach is to make systemic adjustments to avoid new conflicts arising. Please remember that prevention is always better than cure.

6.2 Create a healthy culture based on respect, caring, gratitude and goodwill. Where to begin? Start with yourself - be that team member with whom everyone dreams of being in the same boat.

Key points

1. A good approach is to extinguish the fire while it is still just a small spark; an even better approach is to create conditions that prevent sparks from occurring.

2. Think systematically, care about the interests, goals and needs of both your company and team members; constantly look for new opportunities to bring maximum benefit. Look for ways to transform dangerous points of intersection of interests, redirect them from a state of competition to a state of cooperation.

3. By your example, create a healthy work environment around yourself, show respect, care, gratitude and goodwill to each member of your team.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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