What to do if your sales team is not working together to meet targets?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Assess Team

1.1 The sales team assessment should be carried out in the context of key goals, pain points and needs of company amd sales department.

1.2 Formulate clear criteria and metrics by which you can assess your sales team, use multiple methods in order to obtain as objective results as possible; please avoid subjectivity and perception traps.

2. Set Clear Goals

2.1 Setting the right goals for your sales team is a skill that requires experience and understanding of the situation. Form sales goals based on the company’s key goals; please do not forget about such parameters as reality, adequacy, achievability and inspiration.

2.2 Each member of the sales team for each goal should clearly see the entire chain of interests - from the company's goal through the goals of the sales department to the personal goals of each member of the sales team.

3. Foster Communication

3.1 Be an example of healthy and effective communication. Be professional, honest, respectful, caring and grateful. Be clear, simple, concise. Avoid complex wording, double meanings, and jargon. Don't hide behind smart words to make yourself look better.

3.2 Respect your colleagues' time. Before sending this or that message, think carefully - is it worth doing? Don’t create unnecessary noise and fuss in chats, let your colleagues work calmly and not be distracted.

3.3 Please remember that it is often important not only what you say, but also how you say it. Watch your tone and gestures.

4. Incentivize Teamwork

4.1 Often, disengagement occurs in sales departments when team members focus on personal goals rather than team goals. The motivation system is built in such a way that participants are forced to be competitors, not partners. If this is the case in your company, try changing your approach. Set and encourage achievement of team goals; let achieving a team goal bring more to each of its members than achieving personal goals.

4.2 Create favorable conditions for teamwork and a healthy psychological atmosphere in the team. Eliminate harsh criticism, ridicule, punishment for ideas, gossip and discussions of colleagues behind their backs. Encourage expressions of respect, caring, gratitude and goodwill.

5. Provide Training

5.1 Trainings provide a good opportunity for sales teams to strengthen their collaboration skills in a light, informal environment.

5.2 Prepare for training thoroughly, focusing on delivering maximum benefit to the entire sales team and each participant.

5.3 Please do not make training a formal and boring event. Create a festive atmosphere and ensure the active participation of every member of the sales team.

6. Monitor Progress

6.1 Monitor minimal positive changes and provide positive reinforcement. Praise and thank the sales team for their achievements and celebrate victories, give pleasant bonuses and surprises.

6.2 Encourage collaboration; please remember that fragile sprouts require special care - be patient and grateful.

Key points

1. Create an environment where sales team goals and good teamwork are a priority. The most favorable conditions for such an environment are both a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team and a motivation system.

2. A favorable psychological atmosphere in a team is based on the manifestation of respect, care, gratitude and goodwill.

3. The sales department motivation system is a complex of material and non-material incentives; a good approach is to make it more profitable for a sales team member to collaborate with colleagues in the department than to compete.

4. Set yourself up for a marathon, not a sprint. Please remember that developing new healthy habits in a team requires patience and time.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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