What to do if your team management skills are not leading to career growth?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Assess Skills

1.1 Please remember that the assessment should be carried out in the context of your career plans; to do this, it is necessary to formulate clear criteria and indicators.

1.2 When assessing your skills, use multiple methods (for example, self-assessment and external assessment) in order to obtain as objective results as possible. Please avoid the traps of perception.

2. Seek Feedback

2.1 In order to see the big picture of your value from different angles and not fall into the trap of subjectivity, ask for feedback from your colleagues.

2.2 Be clear about the questions you want answered, and don't push the questions toward a specific answer. Be grateful and friendly for both positive and negative feedback.

3. Learn Continuously

3.1 It is important not only to constantly learn and develop, but also to synchronize your training plans and programs with your career plan. Analyze which skills you will need in the near future and which ones later. Build your training program around high-priority skills.

3.2 Successful completion of training programs (one by one) allows you to flexibly respond to new conditions, adapt and improve your skills in the most useful way in a given situation.

4. Set Goals

4.1 Please remember that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first steps. Don't try to conquer Everest right away, start with small steps on the plain.

4.2 Be adequate, realistic, set priorities - based on regular, stable training of your skills, develop your strengths and talents, turn your weaknesses into advantages. Don’t fill your schedule 100% with work and study; don’t forget about communication with loved ones, rest and recovery.

4.3 Treat setting career goals with great attention and responsibility - a person spends most of his life at work and the quality of his life depends on how correctly he plans and builds his career.

5. Mentorship Role

5.1 The first step to mentoring is to analyze your experience, best cases, identify your strengths and find someone to share them with. If you see that your colleague has problems that you are already familiar with and for which you have already found a successful solution, offer to help him.

5.2 Be sincere in your desire to help your mentees achieve their goals; focus on their goals, needs, and pain points and do your best to provide maximum value.

6. Network Actively

6.1 Surround yourself with people who inspire you and who share your values. Create a community around you based on respect, care, gratitude and goodwill.

6.2 Constantly develop as a professional, stay up to date with the latest news in your industry, share useful information with colleagues, offer help, provide value: treat others the way you want to be treated.

Key points

1. Please remember: developing management skills is a journey, not an end point. A good approach is to find a balance between career and lifelong learning; they should go hand in hand.

2. Developing new management skills requires regularity, discipline and enjoyment of the process. Please don’t become a prisoner of your ego - don’t try to climb Kilimanjaro right away, start with regular walks on the savannah: maintain a stable rhythm and a course for constant development, enjoy the journey.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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