How to expand your professional network through continuing education opportunities?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Online Courses

1.1 Online courses are one of the most accessible ways to gain new knowledge and expand your professional network. Important advantages include the potential opportunity to regularly take courses without leaving home, at a time convenient for you.

1.2 Choose courses wisely - based on your company's goals and needs, as well as your personal goals and needs. Study not for the sake of certificates, but in order to gain real knowledge and skills. Meet other active students, exchange useful information, help each other and continue communication after completing the course.

2. Workshops & Seminars

2.1 Workshops and seminars are good not only because they allow you to expand your network, but also because they allow you to demonstrate your teamwork skills and immediately try to collaborate with other participants.

2.2 Take advantage of all the practice opportunities provided by the workshop and seminar, participate in all activities, be open, energetic and friendly.

3. Conferences & Events

3.1 Conferences and events allow you to not only stay up to date with the latest news in your industry, but also meet like-minded people.

3.2 Be active, start conversations, and be sincerely interested in the experiences and cases of your industry colleagues. Find common ground, find out what the goals and interests of your interlocutor are, how you can be useful to each other, continue communication after the conference.

4. Alumni Networks

4.1 Maintain your relationships with alumni, not only during special events, but also at other times. Look for opportunities to collaborate and bring maximum value.

4.2 Keep in touch not only with alumni your age, but also with older generations as well as younger ones. Look for mentoring opportunities, be willing to help and share your experience and knowledge.

5. Professional Associations

5.1 Be relevant, constantly develop as a professional in team management, follow the trends and news of your niche. Be the specialist with whom everyone dreams of being in the same boat.

5.2 Bring value to your community - share experiences, useful information, offer help, mentorship, etc. Be active, sincere, respectful, friendly, caring and grateful; create a favorable atmosphere for cooperation and creativity. Keep your promises, don't promise something you're not sure about.

6. Mentorship Programs

6.1 The good thing about mentorship programs is that in different programs you may be on different sides of the mentorship process: in some cases you are a mentee, in others you are a mentor.

6.2 Getting started as a mentee is easier and faster - if you have a clear understanding of what problems you want to solve and what help you need, you can choose the right program and mentor to help you get there. A good approach is to first learn how to be a good mentee and then try to become a mentor.

6.3 Being a mentor is a wonderful journey that requires special knowledge in your niche, a desire to teach and share experiences, support and assistance; it takes time, love, patience, respect, care, gratitude and goodwill - but the result is worth it.

Key points

1. Please remember: finding and taking advantage of networking and educational opportunities is an ongoing process, not an end point.

2. Don't take educational opportunities for granted: they are part of your job and should be treated with respect. Be adequate, don't take on too much or too little. Make a plan, a schedule, follow it.

3. At every event, be proactive, professional, respectful, caring, appreciative and friendly. Be the leader with whom everyone dreams of sailing in the same boat.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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