What to do if team members are constantly arguing and creating conflicts?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Identify the source of conflict

1.1 Prevention of diseases is always better than cure. Often conflicts arise due to systemic problems, and both sides of the conflict become victims. Even the personal characteristics of team members (character, abilities, etc.) are the result of the system's operation (such as hiring and onboarding).

1.2 Find key explosive points in the system and develop a plan to eliminate them.

1.3 Develop strong team immunity, which will allow you not only to resolve conflicts, but also to eliminate their preconditions.

2. Choose an appropriate approach

2.1 Creating favorable conditions for conflict prevention is a long-term systematic work that takes time; however, what to do if you are already in a conflict zone?

2.2 Based on the identified causes, choose an appropriate approach to resolve the conflict; look for win-win solutions, involve the parties in developing solutions. Evaluate solutions as objectively and impartially as possible; your task is to choose the most optimal solution that satisfies the interests of all parties.

3. Communicate respectfully and constructively

3.1 Be an example, be an ambassador of the rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. Create an atmosphere of respect, caring, gratitude and goodwill through real actions.

3.2 Emphasize the importance of finding common points of interest, encourage positive changes, and provide positive reinforcement.

3.3 Harsh criticism, cruel jokes and ridicule, bullying, gossip, discussions behind a colleague’s back: create conditions that prevent such phenomena from occurring.

4. Seek help if needed

4.1 A mediator is an important role that is required when assistance is needed in resolving a conflict. A good mediator has high communication and diplomatic skills, resistance to stress and a sincere love for his work.

4.2 The mediator is aimed at reconciliation and finding mutually beneficial compromise points; by studying the history and current state of the conflict, he looks for opportunities to resolve it.

5. Follow up and monitor the outcome

5.1 Please remember: not only agreements and solutions are important, but also their compliance and implementation.

5.2 Regularly request feedback from the parties; track positive changes, thank, praise, celebrate.

5.3 Inform the parties that all agreements are being implemented and the decisions taken are bringing positive results.

Key points

1. Most often, conflicts in a team are symptoms of systemic diseases; create a culture that prevents conflicts. The most favorable conditions for this are regular expressions of respect, gratitude, care and goodwill by each member of the team.

2. Be the example of the rule: Treat your co-worker the way you want to be treated. Encourage unity and good teamwork.

3. When dealing with conflicts, be professional, calm, confident, caring, respectful and friendly. Look for win-win solutions and train your team to look for them.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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