5 Thoughts on tight deadlines
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Set clear and realistic goals

1.1 Prevention of diseases is always better than cure. Tight deadlines are often the result of breaking one of the basic rules: don't promise what you can't deliver. It is at the very first stage - setting goals and expectations - that the further trajectory of the project is formed, so it is extremely important to treat it with special attention.

1.2 Often, managers create an explosive environment with their own hands, where every task has the highest priority and requires urgent completion. Please remember that all tasks cannot have the highest priority; when creating tasks, maintain priority.

2. Communicate correctly and transparently

2.1 Communicate so that each stakeholder is aware of the key points, successes and problems of the project.

2.2 Please follow the rule of optimality and necessity, do not create unnecessary information noise, do not create unnecessary fuss. Don't distract your team members with useless information; give them the opportunity to work calmly. Create a system where every stakeholder, when notified of your message, knows for sure that this information is truly important.

3. Provide support and resources

3.1 Genuinely care about your colleagues. Offer help, keep the door open so everyone on the team knows they can always turn to you for advice and support, but be sure to maintain a culture of respect for your time and the team's time.

3.2 Keep an eye out for opportunities that arise and back them up with resources. A good approach is to know what will really help a specific team member at any given time and provide them with those resources before they ask for it.

4. Recognize and reward achievements

4.1 A bad approach is to take achievements for granted (on the principle that achievements are part of the job for which employees are paid) and ignore positive changes. A good approach is to monitor all positive changes, achievements and provide positive reinforcement as quickly as possible.

4.2 Be sincere in your joy for the achievements of colleagues, thank them, celebrate victories, organize pleasant surprises - do everything possible to make the habit of striving for positive changes become a team culture.

5. Promote a positive and healthy work environment

5.1 Сreate a positive and healthy work environment in which everyone dreams of not only being, but also participating in its formation. The most favorable conditions for this are regular expressions of respect, care, gratitude and goodwill from each team member.

5.2 Fill your entire workspace with kindness, positivity, joy, honesty, support, caring, gratitude, leaving no room for gossip, harsh criticism, bullying, etc.

Key points

1. Please create a system with as few tight deadlines as possible; adequately assess your team's resources, plan carefully, and only then make promises to stakeholders. Don't turn your team's daily work into an endless stream of highly important and urgent tasks.

2. Build strong team immunity based on mutual respect, care, gratitude and goodwill. Give thanks for the positive changes, praise, and celebrate the achievements and victories of your colleagues.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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