6 Tips for an executive account manager
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Know your audience

1.1 The higher the level, the higher the responsibility. At high levels of account management, communication is a combination of careful preparation and proper execution.

1.2 To prepare, it is important to do your research about who you will be communicating with. What are your client's key goals and pain points? What is the history of his interaction with your company? What are the expectations? These and a number of other questions will help you create a portrait of your client and understand the big picture.

2. Plan your communication

2.1 Based on the client’s portrait and the picture of the situation (described in the previous paragraph of this article), prepare a communication plan, strategy and objectives; determine key points, format and communication channels.

2.2 Remember that acquaintance and first communication play a big role, so think carefully about this stage.

3. Use multiple channels

3.1 One of the results of the actions described in the previous paragraph of the article is a certain set of channels that you use when communicating with a specific client.

3.2 Describe the rules of the game - which channel is used in what situation and how; be an example for following these rules, from the first steps create an atmosphere of order, logic, and clarity.

3.3 Monitor the status of your channels, notice the client's positive actions (in accordance with your rules), create positive reinforcement, thank him for his efforts to maintain order.

4. Listen actively

4.1 Active listening is a skill that takes years to master and is often critical in account manager's career. The executive level presupposes the presence of this skill + a set of its own useful methods and tools that help to act optimally on the basis of certain information, interlocutor, situation.

4.2 Focus on the essence of what you are being told; look for reasons and find optimal solutions for a given situation.

5. Communicate clearly

5.1 Be professional, clear and simple. Avoid complex language, don't hide behind jargon, don't try to seem better and smarter than you are.

5.2 Form rules and norms of communication; become their ambassador. Create an atmosphere that everyone wants to be in - one that makes it clear who, what, why, when, how, etc.

6. Communicate respectfully

6.1 Treat people the way you want to be treated. At higher levels this rule becomes especially important; the future of a relationship can depend on every word and intonation, so carefully pass all your thoughts and words through the prism of respect, gratitude, care and goodwill.

6.2 Focus on the other person's goals and pain points, be understanding, look for better solutions, and create a conflict-free atmosphere.

Key points

1. Senior positions in account management require a set of specific skills and knowledge that take years to develop.

2. High-level negotiations in account management require not only professional skills, but also special attention, respect, and goodwill.

3. Remember that account management (regardless of the level) is a journey, allowing you to always find something new to learn, find new solutions that will greatly benefit the team and the client.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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