How to help team members with problem-solving?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Identify the problem

1.1 There are a number of methods for identifying problems and their causes, each with its own advantages. One of the simplest methods is the method of sequential questioning, with the help of which a logical chain of reasoning is built.

1.2 The problem that immediately catches your eye is not always the key one; be attentive and careful, avoid perception traps.

1.3 It is important not only to demonstrate by example how to to identify problems and their causes, but also to regularly train the team through individual and team sessions.

2. Generate ideas

2.1 Involve team members in constantly generating options and ideas. Create a safe creative space where everyone can freely share their ideas because they know their ideas will be welcomed.

2.2 Harsh criticism, cruel jokes, bullying, punishment - these symptoms indicate serious illnesses in the team that require urgent treatment; these diseases interfere with a safe creative environment. The basis for creating strong immunity is a culture of respect, care, gratitude and goodwill.

3. Evaluate options

3.1 Remember: evaluating ideas and solutions in a healthy team is always only an evaluation of ideas and solutions, and not an evaluation of the individual.

3.2 An idea/solution that is irrelevant now may become relevant in the future; don't rush to throw it away.

3.3 Use several assessment methods, avoid subjectivism. The Decision Matrix, the SWOT/PEST, etc. helps not only to evaluate solutions from the point of view of the local problem and situation, but also to see the big picture.

4. Plan actions

4.1 Please remember: the success of implementing a solution largely depends on planning. Constantly improve your planning skills and train your team.

4.2 Rely on basic questions: What? How? Using what resources? Who? When?

4.3 There are a number of planning tools and methods (SMART Goals, the Gantt Chart, etc.), each with their own benefits, use the one that suits you best. Remember: it is often not the tool itself that matters, but how it is used.

5. Execute actions

5.1 Please remember: planning is important, but executing the plan is especially important.

5.2 If changes to the plan need to be made during execution due to extraordinary external circumstances, communicate this to the team.

5.3 Executing the plan requires attention, energy, discipline, responsibility - be an example and develop these skills in your team members.

6. Review outcomes

6.1 Don't be afraid to face the truth; set an example and teach this skill to your team. Whatever results are obtained (both positive and negative), this is not a verdict, but a reason for improvement; remember that no one is immune from mistakes.

6.2 A good approach is to concentrate on positive changes and achievements and be calm about failures; the main thing is that the experience gained is recorded in the knowledge base and can be used for further work.

Key points

1. Often the reasons for difficulties in solving problems are not in the area of methodology and tools, but in the area of the desire to solve problems and the fear of taking responsibility.

2. Lead by example in problem solving and create safe environment that encourages your team members to improve this skill; create an atmosphere of respect and support. Eliminate harsh criticism, ridicule, bullying, etc.

3. Create a culture of respect for experience: its accumulation in the knowledge base and further use.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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