How to use client presentations to increase sales?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Know your audience

1.1 Before creating your presentation, do thorough preparation; wrong first steps can take you far from the desired result.

1.2 Collect data from multiple reliable sources and focus on your customer's goals and pain points; this is a good basis for building your presentation.

1.3 Learn your client’s usual communication format - talk to him in his language. Avoid complex language and jargon; be as clear and simple as possible.

2. Focus on benefits

2.1 Focus on value; on specific solutions that allow the client to achieve his goals and relieve his pain. Please remember that the basis of an effective presentation is taking care of the client's needs; a good approach is to focus on the filling, not the wrapper.

2.2 Be authentic, be a fan of what you do, love what you do. People differentiate between a specialist who loves what he does and is constantly looking for new amazing solutions, and a salesman who is focused only on financial gain.

3. Engage and interact

3.1 Engage in dialogue, receive feedback, create conditions for collaboration, find the best solutions together.

3.2 Remember that building a long-term partnership with a client, like any other relationship, requires mutual attention, respect, gratitude and goodwill - create the appropriate atmosphere from the first steps.

3.3 For interactivity, you can use game mechanics. Do not perceive the presentation as something formal and bureaucratic. Those for whom you are preparing the presentation are the same people who may be tired of monotony and boredom - give them some bright emotions.

4. Call to action

4.1 Create a simple, clear and understandable call to action. Please do not manipulate this tool - we all know the feeling of a manipulative call to action - it does not build trust.

4.2 Be honest, respectful, professional. Set expectations that you are 100% committed to meeting. Do not “lure” the client with empty promises - this will not end well.

5. Improve your skills

5.1 Please remember that continuous skill development is a journey, not a destination.

5.2 Be honest with yourself and with the client. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, be afraid to do nothing.

5.3 Get as much honest feedback from the client as possible - it is your fuel for improving your presentation skills. Be grateful for feedback - it helps you become better and bring more value.

6. Measure your results

6.1 Use the lessons learned from successful iterations to continuously improve your entire system and sales processes.

6.2 Focus on those indicators that are key to the specifics of your business. Don't scatter your attention, don't create a huge number of reports. You and your colleagues need to see key points and trends; please avoid chaos and confusion.

Key points

1. Without a solid foundation, it is not easy to build strong walls and roofs; please focus on the client's goals, pain points and needs.

2. Be professional and honest - promise only what you are sure you are ready to deliver. Do not lure the client with empty promises - this does not lead to good results.

3. Be simple and clear in your wording - avoid ambiguous phrases, do not hide behind jargon.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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