6 Ways to improve channel partner account management
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Align your goals and expectations

1.1 How your partnership will develop depends on a large number of factors, but the key is the mutual desire to move together towards your goals and set clear expectations.

1.2 Do not leave your partners without attention and support, please remember why you became partners.

2. Provide regular training and coaching

2.1 Regularly train and develop your partners. Please take this very seriously - often partner account management relationships deteriorate due to lack of development together.

2.2 Take care of your partners, help them, provide them with all the necessary information. Don't leave your partners unattended - remember why you started working together.

2.3 Give and receive feedback regularly - this is an integral part of learning. This allows you to keep your finger on the pulse and be in the same information space with your partners.

3. Create a channel partner portal

3.1 To make your collaboration with your partners even more effective and relieve you of a number of repetitive questions, create a separate section in your knowledge base in which you add the most frequently asked questions.

3.2 When preparing answers to questions, instructions, etc. be as simple, specific, and understandable as possible. For clarity, use screenshots and screencasts. Don't create instructions for the sake of creating instructions; this approach does not contribute to anything good. Be sincere in caring for your partners, remember that you are one team.

4. Segment and prioritize your partners

4.1 Segmentation is a good way to learn how to help your partners most quickly (for example, each segment may have similar pain points).

4.2 In some cases, it will be enough for you to prepare instructions and cover a number of issues for an entire segment. In other cases, you will be able to provide additional assistance, for example, mentoring, coaching, etc., taking into account the characteristics of this segment.

5. Implement a channel partner incentive program

5.1 To set up your first channel partner incentive program, please base it on caring, respect, honesty and relevance.

5.2 Goals and milestones should be made real and achievable, the reward should be valuable for a specific segment (to do this, you need to find out in advance what is most valuable to them). Remember that your task as a leader is to create the most favorable conditions so that as many of your partners as possible achieve their goals; please do not set obviously unattainable goals for your partners.

6. Solicit and act on feedback

6.1 Please pay special attention to feedback. Build relationships in which honest, mutual feedback leads you and your partners to achieve common goals. Sincerely thank your partners for their feedback - it helps you become better.

6.2 Based on partner feedback, make specific decisions and take specific actions. Do not leave feedback unattended. Notify partners of your decisions based on their feedback; keep partners informed of the results of decisions made.

Key points

1. Channel partner account management requires special skills amd knowledge. How your partnership will develop depends on a large number of factors, but the key is the mutual desire to move together towards your goals.

2. Do not leave your partners without attention and support, please remember why you became partners. Remember, you are a team, so make sure your partners have everything they need and are happy to work with you.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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