What questions should you ask to evaluate your team's performance?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Goals and results

1.1 A good approach is to start with basic questions and gradually move on to more specific ones; What are the company's key goals, pains and needs? What are the opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses? What are the key indicators and criteria for measuring results?

1.2 Please remember that the chain of questions at the next stages will depend on how competently and clearly you formulate each question at the first stage; please take this seriously and carefully.

2. Processes and methods

2.1 The next set of questions focuses on how to achieve company goals, satisfy needs, and reduce pain points.

2.2 What are the key processes? What are the key methods? What are the algorithms for action in non-standard situations? What are the minimum required tools? What are the rules for using these tools?

3. Behaviors and attitudes

3.1 The next set of questions focuses on behavior and attitudes. Please note that in the same situation, different team members can behave completely differently; be careful in interpreting the facts, avoid perception traps.

3.2 What is the psychological atmosphere in the team? What behaviors and attitudes do team members exhibit across communication channels and in the rest of the virtual work environment? What key company values are demonstrated by team members in standard and non-standard situations? What behavior do team members demonstrate in difficult decision-making situations?

4. Development and improvement

4.1 Development and improvement are important parts of a healthy system, but how do we know their status? Let's continue our basic principle - from the general to the specific.

4.2 What are the key development goals of the company? What are the company's development plans in the near future? What are the goals and plans for the development of each employee in the near future? How are these plans implemented? Is everything going as planned? What are the challenges? What are the problems?

5. Satisfaction and motivation

5.1 A set of questions related to motivation and satisfaction requires special attention, the right conditions for interviews (1 on 1), honesty, an atmosphere of respect and trust. Please do not assess motivation and satisfaction for the sake of assessing; be sincere in your desire to help your colleagues.

5.2 A good approach is to provide a scale of the status of a particular parameter (for example from 0 to 10) with the possibility of a detailed explanation. Pay special attention to the feelings that your colleagues experience in a given situation. Collect both quantitative and qualitative data and build a bigger picture from it.

6. Feedback and action

6.1 Feedback is not a one-time event, but an ongoing mutual process built on respect, care, gratitude and goodwill. Lead by example when giving feedback: be professional, honest and caring. Please remember that it is not only what you say that is important, but also how you say it (tone, intonation, gestures, etc.).

6.2 When receiving feedback, do not push your colleagues towards a specific answer, be simple and clear in your wording. Be grateful for the feedback - it helps you become better.

6.3 Remember that the continuation of feedback is analysis, preparation of solutions and implementation. Keep team members aware of changes that occur due to their feedback.

Key points

1. Performance evaluation is a regular process that allows you to see the current state of the system, identify symptoms of diseases at an early stage and eliminate them, and find new opportunities to more effectively achieve company goals.

2. All assessment questions should be formulated in a simple, understandable manner, avoiding complex language and jargon. The question should not be formulated in such a way that it pushes for a specific answer. Collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Strive for optimal objectivity and try to avoid the pitfalls of perception.

3. Please do not evaluate for the sake of evaluation; use the results obtained for further actions, developing solutions, making decisions.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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