6 Skills a new team manager needs to develop
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Vision and strategy

1.1 Visionary and strategic skills are important for any leader and manager, but especially for a new team leader. A change in leadership always causes anxiety among team members - questions, doubts and concerns will arise; often the lack of information and emptiness is filled with something that is not what we would like.

1.2 It is important to be able to correctly assess the current situation, see the reasons for the current state and further steps - the big picture as a whole. If the leader doesn't see next steps and is unsure about the future, the team will feel the same. If a leader sees the big picture and communicates it clearly and confidently to the team, the team has a foundation.

2. Delegation and empowerment

2.1 Please don't view delegation as an opportunity to offload your boring and useless tasks to someone else (unfortunately, this is a fairly common situation).

2.2 Based on the team's key goals and pain points, find the best use of a particular member's talents and skills and assign him to the area of work where he can provide the most value. Give each team member the opportunity to realize themselves as a professional, help them reach their full potential - and you will see your team blossom like a beautiful garden.

3. Feedback and coaching

3.1 Not only create opportunities (described in the previous paragraph of the article), but also help implement them. Be sincere in your desire to help as a mentor.

3.2 Create a culture of mutual and honest feedback. Thank your colleagues for the feedback – it allows you to improve. Give feedback professionally, with respect, caring and goodwill. Remember that it is often not what you say that matters, but how you say it: watch your intonation, gestures, etc.

4. Conflict and diversity

4.1 Please remember that it is important for a team manager not only to be able to resolve conflicts, but to find the systemic causes of their occurrence and eliminate them, to create strong team immunity that prevents conflicts.

4.2 Respect and value diversity, create favorable conditions for maximum realization of the talents of each team member.

5. Collaboration and influence

5.1 Create a culture of collaboration within your team that will make other teams dream of working with your team. To do this, start with yourself - be that team player with whom everyone dreams of being in the same boat. Influence not with words, but with deeds.

5.2 Find common ground, benefit colleagues, partners, clients, create strong long-term relationships.

6. Self-management and development

6.1 In order to become an effective team manager, you first need to learn how to manage your day, week, month, etc.

6.2 Be an example of work-life balance, take care of your physical and mental health, keep yourself in good physical shape, and lead an active lifestyle.

6.3 Constantly develop, stay relevant, stay informed about what is happening in your industry, keep your toolkit up to date, find new opportunities to bring value to your team and clients.

Key points

1. A good approach is to consciously choose your profession, niche and team; in this case, the team manager already has a basic set of necessary skills. But it is important to understand that this position involves constant continuous learning, development and improvement.

2. Focus on the goals, pain points and needs of the company, constantly look for opportunities to provide maximum value and build your learning process around this.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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