How to demonstrate your experience as a team manager in an interview?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Prepare your stories

1.1 When preparing for an interview, think about your experiences, specific situations and stories that do not violate the NDA and that you can happily share.

1.2 Don’t pretend to be a superhero who did everything on his own, without a team - remember that the leader and the team are one.

1.3 Be honest: don’t decorate yourself in history, tell how it really was from your point of view; don’t be someone you’re not. It is important to show key points, for example, how you got into the situation, how you analyzed the reasons, how you communicated with the team, etc.

1.4 Briefly describe the results and how the actions taken benefited the company.

2. Show your leadership style

2.1 Remember that every person, every leader is unique and should have their own style; develop your own style that reflects your talents and unique characteristics without blindly copying others.

2.2 Be prepared at any time to be ready to answer about your leadership style, about your beliefs, values, about the methods you use.

3. Demonstrate your emotional intelligence

3.1 During preparation and the interview itself, keep your thoughts and emotions in order; this is a basic way to show your emotional intelligence.

3.2 Answer all questions from the interviewer in a confident, calm, friendly and appreciative tone. Thank the interviewer for the questions, remember that with every difficult question and answer you become better. Don't take complex and tricky questions as something personal, be professional.

4. Highlight your collaboration skills

4.1 During the interview, collaborate with the interviewer and help him solve his problem. This approach allows you to show yourself and your professionalism directly in a real situation. In addition, this can add variety and definitely impress with its unusualness; the initiative from the leader-candidate can become a compelling argument in favor of a positive decision.

4.2 When telling stories and cases, pay special attention to how you collaborated with the team, how you improved team collaboration skills and what positive changes occurred.

5. Showcase your results and impact

5.1 When showcasing your results, maintain a reasonable balance between wearing a crown on your head and being too modest - stay in the middle green zone.

5.2 Be calm and self-sufficient, do not praise yourself as a superhero, describe the results as objectively as possible - both pros and cons.

5.3 As a professional, speak the language of facts and figures, resources invested and results obtained.

6. Ask insightful questions

6.1 Please don't ask questions for the sake of asking questions (or for the sake of "playing the role" of expert).

6.2 Be sincerely interested in the company you are interviewing for - only this approach can help you formulate smart questions that can provide real benefit to this company. It happens that thanks to questions from candidates, a company discovers problems that it simply did not pay attention to.

Key points

1. Prepare before the interview and be respectful of the interviewer's time and your time. Please do not rely on improvisation or freestyle.

2. Be professional, honest, respectful, attentive and friendly. Respond with gratitude to the interviewer's questions.

3. In the language of numbers and facts, talk about your experience and real situations in which you were. Don't decorate yourself, don't try to seem like someone you're not. Be self-sufficient and moderately modest.

4. Focus on the value you want to bring to the company, talk about what actions you plan to take to help achieve goals and alleviate company pain points.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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