How can a self-evaluation system improve your team's performance?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Enhancing feedback

1.1 In order to assess reality and one’s own state as objectively as possible, a balance of external feedback and self-evaluation is necessary.

1.2 Please remember: by relying 100% only on the feedback of others, we can fall into the trap of their perception; by relying 100% only on our own assessment, we can fall into the trap of our perception. To create a big, more objective picture, keep a balance.

1.3 A self-evaluation system, when properly configured and used, can be a good assistant in introducing healthy habits.

2. Increasing motivation

2.1 Trust and autonomy allow team members to feel like individuals whose actions matter.

2.2 When every team member is thinking at every moment about what they can do best for the team (to achieve key team goals), collective motivation increases exponentially.

2.3 Allow and encourage your team members to be creative and innovative in setting their own goals and objectives. This is especially important for start-up companies - this way you can get a strong core of future top managers.

3. Fostering learning

3.1 The specialist who is closest to specific tasks can see what the manager and other team members do not notice. And in this case, he can set the most relevant goals for self-learning and self-development and, using the self-assessment system, quickly reach them, bringing additional value to the team.

3.2 Now imagine that this approach is not an isolated case, but a culture. How to create the prerequisites for this?

3.3 Be an example - don’t demand from others what you don’t do yourself; keep your team informed of your progress in self-development and self-learning.

3.4 Encourage self-development and self-learning of members for the benefit of the company, praise, celebrate positive changes and victories.

4. Improving communication

4.1 Focusing on personal development (as an important part of team development), the self-evaluation system strengthens communication; in such a culture, team members are partners who move towards the same goals.

4.2 Everyone understands each other well, and the ability to give sincere feedback aimed at helping a colleague develops. Feedback in such a culture is built on respect, care, gratitude and goodwill. The prerequisites for harsh criticism, sarcasm, bullying, etc. disappear. There is no confrontation and competition here - there is partnership.

5. Supporting decision-making

5.1 A self-evaluation system can help you make effective and timely decisions. Based on the self-evaluation system, you can direct the right resources at the time when they are really needed and get amazing results.

5.2 A culture of effective support emerges - even without receiving formal requests for help from the team, leaders see the potential for help.

5.3 Sincere and helpful proactive care on the part of the leader strengthens collective immunity and creates the preconditions for sustainable growth.

Key points

1. A self-evaluation system can be successfully implemented at a certain stage of the team’s life cycle, during the so-called transition to maturity. In different teams, this stage occurs at different times, with different numbers of members and depends on a large number of factors.

2. It is important to understand the main thing - this system is the right step towards greater independence and self-sufficiency, which both team members and leaders should be prepared for. Improving team performance is one of the many benefits such a system can provide.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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