What are the most effective ways to onboard team leaders?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Assess their strengths and gaps

1.1 A strong core of team leaders starts with hiring and onboarding. The future of the entire team depends on how well the leader was chosen among other candidates and went through onboarding. Therefore, it is important to approach both the hiring and onboarding of team leaders with great care and responsibility.

1.2 The first step of onboarding is assessing strengths and gaps. Both strengths and gaps should be considered primarily in relation to the key goals, pain points of the company and the leader. Use different methods, but remember that maximum honesty, objectivity and impartiality are especially important.

1.3 Based on the assessment, prepare a learning plan, discuss it with team leader and implement it.

2. Provide orientation and training

2.1 Orientation and basic training of a team leader largely determines his future work in the team, effectiveness, and career.

2.2 It is important to provide the leader with information and instructions that will help not only quickly get up to speed, but also from the first steps prove himself as a professional, ready to bring maximum benefit to the team.

2.3 Bring all your experience and care into every training session and every instruction; form your leaders correctly from the very beginning

3. Introduce them to the team.

3.1 The first impression often has an impact, at least during the start of the collaboration. The procedure for introducing the leader and the team is mutual - it is important to go through it in such a way that both parties leave the best impression.

3.2 When introducing the team and leader, focus on the key skills of the parties, finding common ground that will allow both parties to show how they fit together.

3.3 During the introduction meeting, be respectful, caring, grateful and friendly - lead by example.

4. Assign them a buddy or a mentor

4.1 A good approach is when mentors for new team leaders are veteran leaders of the company who have worked with it for a sufficient amount of time, who have given great value to the company, and who know everything necessary about its key goals, pain points and processes.

4.2 Select a mentor for new team leader, based on their personality traits, values, goals, etc.

4.3 Properly introduce the mentor and his mentee using the principles described in the previous paragraph of this article.

5. Set clear goals and expectations

5.1 Setting goals and expectations correctly from the start puts a new leader on the right track; please treat this with special care.

5.2 Formulate the first goals in such a way that they not only meet standard requirements, but also correspond to the characteristics of a particular leader. Effective goal setting for leaders is a difficult but important skill that takes time and practice to develop, but the results are worth it.

6. Monitor and evaluate their progress

6.1 Be the owner of the process: monitor and evaluate the results of the leader's progress. Be a navigator for the pilot - help the leader stick to the chosen path and confidently move towards the intended goals.

6.2 Help and support the leader on difficult sections of the route, rejoice at his first victories and achievements.

6.3 Give and receive honest feedback regularly - be respectful, caring, and grateful. Do everything possible to ensure that the leader gets used to the new workplace as quickly as possible and reaches an effective operating mode.

Key points

1. Careful onboarding of team leaders is an investment that will pay dividends in the future.

2. From the very first steps, create mutual understanding between the leader and the team - help them start working with each other as quickly as possible. Highlight the talents and special skills of team members and the leader.

3. Be an example, create an atmosphere of respect, care, gratitude and goodwill.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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