What to do if your team's performance is subpar?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Identify the issues

1.1 Preventing diseases is better than treating. It is important to understand that symptoms are often external manifestations of the disease, at a time when it has already reached a certain phase; in this case, it is necessary to act decisively and without delay.

1.2 Where to begin? As always, from the key goals and pains of the company. Ask questions from the general to the specific - from goal to task, from task to symptom. Based on data analysis from various reliable sources, identify key problems and develop solutions for them.

2. Communicate the expectations

2.1 Based on the chain of questions and analysis, prepared solutions described in the previous paragraph of the article, prepare a short presentation for your team.

2.2 In the presentation, highlight the key points - goals, current state, plan to solve problems.

2.3 During your presentation, make it clear that you will need the help and talent of everyone involved to solve problems and return to optimal performance.

2.4 Don't blame the team for problems, but be respectful, caring, grateful for help, and friendly.

3. Provide support and guidance

3.1 Create an environment where each team member understands that their actions truly matter to the problem solving and well-being of the entire team.

3.2 Guide each of the members, help them realize their full potential and talents to participate in solving the team’s problems.

3.3 Encourage a collaborative approach to problem solving.

3.4 Loudly praise and celebrate the first positive steps and changes.

4. Monitor and evaluate the progress

4.1 Regularly monitor and evaluate the status of your problem-solving movement; keep team members informed about key points and events.

4.2 Celebrate and thank your team members for their successes - focus on the positive trend.

4.3 Based on monitoring and progress, formulate new hypotheses, put them into action, look for and eliminate the hidden causes of the symptoms that have arisen.

4.4 Work proactively: constantly think about how to strengthen the team’s immunity.

5. Adjust and adapt as needed

5.1 Make decisions based on the steps described in the previous paragraphs of the article; to ensure that changes do not remain only on paper, do not forget about the necessary actions.

5.2 Once you have verified your assumptions with experiments and received positive results, implement them into your processes.

5.3 Please remember that each new change in the system should be considered not only separately, but also in conjunction with other changes. Small but proven regular changes are one of the ways to build immunity, which I talked about earlier.

Key points

1. Often problems associated with a team's performance are indicators, symptoms pointing to hidden illnesses of the team. The method "from general to specific" allows you to develop a chain of assumptions that can help in identifying the true causes of the situation.

2. The first way is to constantly plug holes and be a hostage to this process. The second way is to work proactively and create conditions in which the system itself prevents the occurrence of many problems. The third way is to combine problem solving and strengthening the company's immunity. It's up to you to decide which way to go.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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