6 Steps to ensure your team's goals align with inclusion policies
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Assess your current situation

1.1 Conduct your own research on the current situation, analyze the state of inclusiveness in your team (compare how it should be and how it actually happens) and draw your first conclusions.

1.2 Conduct surveys of team members. Formulate your questions as clearly, simply, understandably and impartially as possible. Don't push respondents to a specific answer - you need their vision of reality. Draw conclusions based on the surveys.

1.3 Based on the findings of the two points of view (yours and the team's), prepare general conclusions and hypotheses.

2. Define your inclusion vision

2.1 Based on the assessment and conclusions of the previous paragraph of the article, define your inclusion vision.

2.2 Please remember that inclusion should go hand in hand with the team's current key goals, as well as help solve current pain points.

2.3 Form a small group of your team leaders to discuss your vision, get feedback, and improve it. Let them know that their opinions matter and that different points of view produce strong solutions.

3. Set your inclusion goals

3.1 Please remember that your inclusion goals should go hand in hand with your company's key goals; make sure that they do not contradict each other or create conflict from the very beginning.

3.2 Divide big inclusion goals into small ones. Link each small goal to tasks; a good approach is to see the entire chain of influence from the task to the key goal.

3.3 Based on your goals, harmoniously build the company’s key processes with the processes of inclusion and create a synergy effect.

4. Implement your inclusion strategies

4.1 Inclusion strategies, as well as goals and processes, should go hand in hand with other company strategies. When designing an inclusion strategy, please be careful not to create tension between different strategies.

4.2 Don't forget the importance of resources; when developing your inclusion strategy, make sure you have sufficient resources. If you realize in advance that resources are low, be especially careful.

4.3 Before and while implementing an inclusion strategy, keep your team members in the loop so they understand why it is being done.

5. Celebrate your inclusion achievements

5.1 A good way to reinforce your newly implemented inclusion system is to loudly praise the team, thank early positive changes, and celebrate important wins.

5.2 Create an enabling environment for more reasons to celebrate and encourage participants to help implement inclusion strategies. To do this, it is important to constantly monitor the state of the system and promptly carry out the right actions aimed at consolidating and rooting useful habits.

6. Learn from your inclusion challenges

6.1 Don't just gain experience, but learn, draw conclusions, improve your inclusion system. Challenges are an excellent opportunity to test the stability of the system in real (non-greenhouse) conditions.

6.2 Based on the challenges you have completed, create entries in your knowledge base, form hypotheses and make decisions. Remember that a grateful, confident and friendly attitude towards challenges allows you to maintain a good emotional background - both for yourself and for your team.

Key points

1. To ensure that your inclusion policies do not conflict with your key team goals, it is important to balance them correctly from the very beginning.

2. With a good approach, inclusion policies not only do not interfere, but, on the contrary, contribute to achieving the team’s goals. How to achieve this? Regularly and thoroughly analyze the state of your system, find and implement new opportunities, receive feedback, keep the team informed about your decisions and results.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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