How to effectively communicate the value of team building to senior leadership?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Align with strategic goals

1.1 In any negotiation, a good approach is to focus on common key goals and pain points. When communicating value to the senior leadership - this approach is no exception. Remember that the higher the position a leader holds, the more he appreciates the simple, understandable language of facts and figures.

1.2 Clearly, simply and understandably formulate how team building will help achieve key goals and relieve pain points. Do not speak in general phrases, be as precise as possible in your wording.

2. Demonstrate the benefits

2.1 Clearly and concisely formulate the benefits of team building. Be sure that you are heard and understood.

2.2 Don't forget about the curse of knowledge; what is obvious to you may not be entirely obvious to your colleagues. Therefore, if you are misunderstood, look for opportunities to correctly convey information to your colleagues. A small tip - senior managers value their time and speak in the language of facts, figures, solutions and decisions.

3. Address the challenges

3.1 Clearly and visually demonstrate how team building solves problems and pains rather than creating new ones.

3.2 Skepticism often goes hand in hand with a lack of information. Clearly demonstrating that you and your senior leaders are playing on the same side and dealing with the same issues makes it much easier to find mutually beneficial areas of collaboration.

4. Involve and inspire

4.1 Involve your senior managers in team building processes: from preparing events to holding them; for each of them, choose a role that suits him. Please remember that participating in any project with our own hands softens our hearts and allows us to treat the project with greater respect and care.

4.2 Be an example; motivate and inspire with your attitude to work - be sincere, work 100%, care about everyone's interests, put the interests of the company above all else.

5, Seek feedback and improvement

5.1 Build a regular feedback process with senior leaders; it’s very good if you can build a mutual feedback process. Be grateful for any feedback - it allows you to improve yourself and improve the system.

5.2 Keep your senior leadership team informed about what changes you are making and what decisions you are making based on their feedback. Emphasize the importance of their feedback, show the connection between their feedback and positive change through team building.

6. Celebrate and appreciate

6.1 Thank senior leaders for their help in team building, thank the team for their participation, be sincere and open in your gratitude. Bring senior leaders and team together and create opportunities to strengthen their relationships.

6.2 Constantly monitor the state of the team, praise loudly for positive changes in behavior, habits, etc. Celebrate victories and achievements, reinforce positive experiences with your sincere, friendly feedback.

Key points

1. Senior leaders are the core of the team, influencing key processes. From the first steps, build partnerships and alliances with them, demonstrate your common goals and pains; emphasize that you are one team with common interests.

2. Involve seniors in team building, get feedback and make decisions. Keep them constantly aware of the decisions you make with their help and how they affect the prosperity of the company.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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