How to use team building games to improve team's communication?
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Assess your team's needs

1.1 Any team building activity should be based on the needs of the team, help achieve its key goals, and eliminate pain points. Team building games are no exception.

1.2 Games are often perceived by organizers superficially and frivolously. Please don't do this. Game mechanics are a great opportunity to easily and naturally solve complex problems and treat collective diseases. Moreover, the atmosphere of joy, safety, mutual understanding and mutual assistance is often easily transferred from games to real work situations.

2. Choose a suitable game

2.1 Choosing the right game for your team based on a number of factors is a skill that takes years to improve. With the stable growth and development of the team, you will have the opportunity to try different games. Approach each game with maximum attention and respect, prepare and organize the game 100%.

2.2 The main thing to remember is that there are no universal recipes; the best mechanics for your specific situation and your team are found through experimentation.

3. Set clear goals and rules

3.1 The game is a model of reality, so goals and rules are important. The absence of goals and rules is a prerequisite for disorder and chaos.

3.2 It is very important that goals, rules, roles, etc. were as simple, understandable, and clear as possible: in this case, there is a chance that there will be fewer misunderstandings during the game.

3.3 Be more simple; often simple and concise solutions provide optimal value. The team building game is no exception.

3.4 A game in which each team member participates with interest and enjoyment, learning useful skills to achieve the key goals of the entire team, is a good guide for you as an organizer.

4. Facilitate the game

4.1 Remember that every task and process has an owner. In this case, you are the owner of the game and are responsible for its organization and conduct.

4.2 Pay close attention to feedback and maintain a positive atmosphere of respect, caring, kindness and gratitude. Lead by example, inspire and engage.

4.3 Make sure that each participant in the game feels comfortable and happy. Remember: how your first game goes has a lot to do with how future games go.

5. Debrief the game

5.1 Debrief the game yourself, with the team and individually with each participant. It is important to analyze the results from different points of view and get honest, complete feedback (often this feedback can only be obtained 1 on 1). Based on the overall picture, it will be possible to draw a general conclusion and make appropriate decisions.

5.2 Ask questions and listen carefully to the answers. Don't force participants to give specific answers - you need an objective, independent opinion. Pay special attention to the feelings and emotions of the participants: what did they feel during the game? What opportunities did they discover while playing?

Key points

1. Team building games are an excellent tool for solving communication problems, but they require close attention and careful preparation.

2. Don't run games for the sake of playing - be sincere and caring towards the team.

3. Please remember that any game should be based on the team's current goals and pain points.

4. Create a positive and comfortable psychological atmosphere during the game, take care of each participant.

5. Set the rules of the game, be an example by following these rules.

Good luck!
Methodologist of Guidbase
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