5 Best Ways to transition from a technical role to a managerial one
Reading time: 4 min.
1. Motivation

1.1 It is important to understand that sincere, conscious immersion is necessary when transitioning from one role to another. This is especially important when transitioning from a technical role to a managerial one.

1.2 A clear, understandable answer to yourself to the question "why?" will allow you to set the right expectations from the very beginning.

1.3 If you understand that your calling is happy, successful team members, effective team, a huge contribution to the organization - I shake your hand, you are on a great path. This is not an easy path, requiring a lot of Love, Devotion, Respect, Attention, Patience, but it is worth it! The Joy of the organization's prosperity is a reward that is difficult to describe in words, it can only be felt.

2. Learning

2.1 In my opinion, one of the most effective ways to prepare for a managerial role is to find a Mentor.

2.2 A true Mentor loves people, loves his job and truly cares about his Mentees.

2.3 A Mentor is like a guiding star and helps you along the way to your goals.

2.4 A Mentor is a navigator who helps you stay on course.

2.5 A Mentor, as a reliable foundation, provides Support, Confidence and Peace of mind
2.6 A Mentor often sees from the outside what the Mentee does not see.

2.7 A Mentor helps, guides, shares experience, complements, strengthens, creates a synergistic effect.

2.8 How to find a potential Mentor? In my experience, good Mentors have few free slots, so getting to him is a great success, but you can try to find each other through word of mouth.

3. Developing

3.1 When we talk about soft skills for a true manager, it is important to understand that we are not talking about the final state, but about the path, about constant self-development and self-improvement. The long and exciting journey of a true manager requires regular updating of knowledge and skills.

3.2 The optimal “toolkit” for starting a new role is selected taking into account a large number of factors. At the very beginning, a mentor can tell you which skills you should focus on first and what special knowledge you need to get started. With time and experience, new "tools" will be added. Setting goals & tasks, communication, motivation, conflicts resolution, working with feedback, etc. - each of them is of great importance for a manager.

4. Adapting

4.1 Not only beginners, but also experienced managers sometimes fall into the trap of the illusion that if they cover up the team’s systemic problems with their own hands (for example, taking on a large number of their own and not their own tasks), this will lead to a good result.

4.2 In fact, the approach to teamwork and team results is different from the approach to personal work and personal results. In a team, as in a living organism, each member performs his own function, so the organism works as a single whole.

4.3 Please, remember that the principle of a successful effective teamwork is based on complementarity and synergy. Just like in football: someone scores, and someone defends the goal. Each performs its task, strengthening each other.

5. Feedback and support

5.1 Management is about fortitude and decision-making. But even a strong person sometimes needs a fresh look from the outside and help.

5.2 Experienced Managers and Mentor, with kind words and advice, can not only significantly lighten the load on the Manager’s shoulders, but also, as a result, help the entire Team.

5.3 In order not to get lost in one’s thoughts and to evaluate reality objectively and from different angles, a manager should regularly ask for feedback. Of course, not all feedback can be taken as a guide to action, but the process of analysis and evaluation should be regular and continuous.

5.4 Celebrate Team victories, rejoice and admire the victories of Members. Create a Сulture, where the Joy of one Member is Joy for all.

Key points

1. When moving from a technical role to a managerial one, it is important to understand that the manager is the person on whom the fate of both the team and its members truly depends. Are you ready for this? An Honest answer to this question is very important.

2. Without a Sincere approach to work, without a Willingness to Serve their Team, management can result in both personal and collective daily suffering.

3. Formally insincere performance of managerial duties often leads to bad consequences for both the manager and the team.

4. If a Manager has the Team's best interests at heart, the Team values and cares about their Manager.

5. Management is a Path that requires a lot of daily Love, Respect, Caring, Honesty, Fortitude, Patience.
Methodologist of Guidbase
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